How to Stay Safe on a Cruise Vacation

When visiting other countries on your cruise vacation, personal safety must be a primary concern. Foreign stops present many challenges, including language and cultural barriers. Tourists can unwittingly become easy targets for petty thieves and scammers. If you see the risks, and make proper precautions, you'll be able to enjoy and relax your cruise adventure.
Cruise Lines be in constant contact with authorities, monitoring travel advisories that may impact their cruise liner itineraries. If the U.S. State Department issues a travel advisory for the specific location, the cruise line could make alterations in their published itinerary.
Recently, the h1n1 virus outbreak in Mexico caused several cruise companies to avoid Mexican stopovers. However, these the relationship is rare. Realize that such changes are created for your safety of passengers.

Keep in mind that travelers must assume the ultimate responsibility because of their actions while ashore. When visiting ports-0f-call, travelers must take some common-sense precautions:
Stay inside the normal tourist areas. Should you travel far afield, it's best to require a tour. Book shore excursions with the cruise line for them to track your whereabouts and know if you may be late getting back to the ship.
Never leave your belongings unattended in public areas.
Be conscious of people near you.
Never accept packages from anyone you don't know personally.
Dress and behave conservatively. Being a tourist inside a foreign port, have a very low profile. Drawing awareness of yourself may put you at an increased risk.
Be careful when meals ashore. Alcohol can impair your judgment. If you're planning to dine in port, get recommendations through the cruise line.
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